Django All The Way Merry Christmas

Posted by andresguitaracademy on December 21, 2009

Well snow’s been falling, its freezing cold and it might even be a white Christmas!!And with the new year around the corner this is the time to celebrate think about the good things you’ve done over the last year and also the things you’d like to do in the new year.

If you’re like me, then sometimes you start on something, and then life gets in the way.. and that seems to be the way for just about everybody..

Take for example the GodFather of Heavy Metal, Guitarist Tony Iommi.. for him it was so very nearly over before it had even started.. a freak accident on his last day at work.. before he was to become professional with Black Sabbath..

Everyone told Tony to give up.. all the doctors, his friends.. and he very nearly did, until his manager gave him an album by Gypsy/Roma Jazz Legend Django Reinhardt..

It was hearing Django’s amazing playing, with only two fingers.. that meant a very disappointed, frustrated Tony did not give up, he did go onto form Black Sabbath and the rest is history.

Django All The Way – Merry Christmas

So with Christmas and Tony Iommi’s inspiring story – I’ve recorded a guitar solo in the style of Django.. although please remember Django the legend would use only two fingers, because of a freak accident he had as well..

Hope you have a fantastic Christmas Holiday and New Year Break.. and here’s…

Django All The Way in the video above … wishing YOU a Very Merry Christmas

Til Next Time
